Department: Food Science, specialising in Sensory Science
“Everything is based on our perception – we make judgements based on selective sensory impressions and form our own truth.
Nevertheless, we can try to assess our own and others’ behavioural tendencies more objectively in our day-to-day work.”
Certified trainer for the persolog© personality model at KAIROS Partner AG Switzerland
Department: Focus on Human Resource Management and Education
“Promoting personal potential, creating new connections:
The transition from individual to synergetic team behavior.”
Certified trainer for the persolog© personality model at KAIROS Partner AG Switzerland and Q4 DISC Certified Professional Associaties (CPA) by SynQues The Netherlands
Specialised Area: Catering und Food Events
“Delighting people with culinary delights is not only important at home, but also at work. I have been helping large companies to implement a tasty and healthy menu for many years.”
Founder and owner of Mantovani Foodservice GmbH